Family Therapy

  Families are seen in therapy for several different reasons. They usually seek counseling for added support through times of change and hardship. Although individual concerns may be affecting the overall well being of the family, there are issues that are unique to family dynamics. Some of these include parenting issues, divorce and separation, death and loss, and the concerns of blended and military families. We have seen families seeking support at several periods of family life and see the benefit of family sessions at all of these stages.

Step Families/Blended Families

There are challenges and strengths that are unique to step family systems. Challenges often lay in the expectations, rules, and roles that accompany the additional titles of “steps and halves.” Family sessions for blended families may work with the new family to define family rules and roles or to establish more respectful relationships between members.


Parenting brings a new level of responsibility and joy. However, some couples may struggle with the management of newly found sources of stress and its effects on their relationship. Additionally, parents often consult with a family therapist for guidance and/or general information related to the following subjects:
  • Education on Child development
  • Use of discipline and boundaries
  • Stress management for parents
  • Family readjustment support